Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.
Which one are you?
Which one am I?
I think I am …

I am love. Hugs.
Passion for everything.
Anger and a temper,
To match my hair.
I am the color of sunsets,
And Christmas joy.

I am happiness.
Smiles and laughter,
The balance of boyfriends, friends, and family.
Energy for life,
Infecting everyone around me,
With my bliss.


I am optimism.
The glass is half full,
And I believe in karma,
Second chances.
The stars shining down,
Lighting a once dark world.

I am youth.
Living my life.
Making mistakes: learning.
Mother Nature,
Loving bare feet and grass: together.
Natural beauty and good luck.

I am peace.
Praying for an end to all wars.
Loyal to honesty and true love.
Water: calm and serene – perfect.
Crashing at shore – unpredictable.
The sky: endless and everlasting.

I am feminine.
Shoes and shopping nail polish.
With wisdom
To learn from my mistakes.
Demanding respect,
While giving it out in return.


B3astOfTheEast said...

I really like the creative aspect of your color paper. You chose not to write an ordinary essay but a poem. I thought the idea of starting off the poem with "rainbow" was great. And then you went on explaining how each color represents you. Not only this but I noticed how you stayed positive throughout your poem, it represented your good qualities. I happened to like the line in which you stated that “the glass is half full” instead of saying half empty. This single quote can make the difference of a person being seen as optimistic or pessimistic and clearly after reading your poem you are optimistic. I really enjoyed reading your poem and found it very creative.

anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this. I liked how you didn't just limit yourself to one color, but made yourself each color. I think the way you described yourself was great, but maybe you should have added in more of your flaws.