Friday, January 18, 2008

how to meet societies expectations

who makes these rules?
you have to be a size 2.
size 4!
cut down to 100 calories a day.
eat only salad.
'looking at it makes you gain weight'
'but i like it'
'water tastes better anyway'

buy 80 dollar jeans
and 50 dollar t-shirts
don't wear sweats in public-
you'll never live it down.
don't forget to put on your mask
of mascara and foundation:
hide your true self.

go to the local salon.
ask to look like everyone else
they'll understand.
blond hair will soon be the new you.
if you want to go all the way,
color contacts
will complete the look.

give us your heart,
your soul.
we'll take it.
twist it.
remodel it.
and give it back.
nothing like what it was.
you'll become just another mechanical heart,
operating on automatic.

don't stand up for your beliefs
blend in with the crowd.
they're right:
you're wrong.
remember that.

become one of millions
not one in millions.